Friday 30 December 2011

California Waiting

24 hours, 5,000 miles and countless time zones later i have arrived in Santa Cruz.

During my flight from Atlanta to San Francisco, there were no clouds and i could see the entire patchwork of America as we flew over it.The sun was setting over the desert as we passed the rocky mountains and everything was shrouded in mist. The water below us was so dark that it looked as if pieces of land were simply floating through space. According to my visa form i' m officially an 'alien' but i swear we flew over some crop circles. As it grew darker, i could see nothing but tiny, winding trails of light, like beads on a necklace. As we came closer, i realised that they were roads with hundreds of cars blazing though the cities. I felt very small and insignificant. San Francisco is enormous. An ocean of light suddenly shimmered through the desert. We landed just over the water and i saw the Golden Gate Bridge from the plane. Everything is increasingly surreal.
My shuttle car from the airport to Santa Cruz was late and i was tired and cold and felt very alone, when an old man came over to me and wordlessly gave me a piece of chocolate. His kindness almost made me cry .My driver finally arrived and proceeded to explain '4.20 friendly' to me, then told me all about his friend who got arrested for making meth by firing electricity through wasp killer. He talked about the beauty of the redwoods and the waves breaking upon the beach. We arrived at my motel, as i am yet to find somewhere to live and it is a true neon-road-sign-false-drawer establishment. I fell asleep to the sound of next door's television and a man grunting upstairs.
I woke up today excited.


'Everything is perfect on the street again, the world is permeated with roses of happiness all the time, but none of us know it. The happiness consists in realizing that it is all a great strange dream.'
-Jack Kerouac
-Lonesome Traveller

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